Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's the last thing that you laughed about?

the fact that both my 1st Exwife and my current wife remind me of Characters on My Little Pony

Ask me anything

Friday, December 31, 2010

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

Beach duh! who wants to go to the freezing mountains?

Ask me anything

What video game have you played the most?

What was the last book you read?

all seven of the "magic" books by Edward Eager

Ask me anything

Monday, May 10, 2010

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

it's a toss up between Spanish and Japanese really

Ask me anything

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Who's the most overrated athlete?

tiger woods, mike tyson and any member of WWE or nascar

Ask me anything

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What would be the best thing about being a vampire?

not being sparkly

Ask me anything

If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?

the computer my gaming books and the Cybertron Starscream my son gave me for X-mas

Ask me anything

What's the worst show on TV?

oh there are so many...24, lost, gossip girl, 90210, melrose place,grey's anatomy, private practice...i could go on and on

Ask me anything

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How would you classify yourself politically?

Constitutional Libertarian is the closest thing i can come up with to describe my views.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's your favorite type of flower?

I love sunflowers and carnations

Ask me anything

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

sure but i wouldn't be very popular with congress, as i tend to not pull punches when dealing with morons.

Ask me anything

Thursday, October 22, 2009

R.I.P. Sheba the cat

"No heaven will not ever Heaven be, unless my cats are there to welcome me." ~Anonymous
"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans." ~ James Herriot
"If I have any beliefs about immortality it is that certain dogs I know will go to heaven, and very few people." ~ James Thurber

After a 16 years of life and a painful last few days, Sheba has passed to the otherside.
i did not know her long relatively speaking only a handful of years. Pet has known Sheba since she was a kitten and this is effecting her the hardest i think.
i just don't know what to say.
what can I say...really?
sure there are platitude and condolences but in the end it means nothing.
Sheba is gone.
perhaps i am cold for thinking this way ... but it was time for her to go. she was mostly blind and a lot scatterbrained near the end.
she had stopped eating all together about two days ago. that when i was sure. it was time
i am glad that she went peacefully and that she did not require my help. I'm not sure i would have been strong enough . I know Pet would not have been.
as it stands i shall call C.J. tomorrow and see about getting a ride so we can bury her somewhere nice.
probably under the oleander bush in my parents backyard

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prodigal Blogger

" you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me"-- I will survive by Gloria Gaynor
Now playing: Fright Ranger - Oh Oh Oh Sexy Vampire (High Stakes Mix)
via FoxyTunes

So... I'm back. long hiatus I know. what has changed? not much. Still can't spell. still can't code HTML and i am once again jobless
but I've made some new friends along the way so that's cool and I've discovered even more web comics to read. and i become one of those horrible Twitter people you can follow me if you care to. i rather like the flow of consciousness feel too it. one i figure out how i may put my twit feed up on the side under me head. lets see what else...
Pet and I are still going strong. and i have insomnia
I also feel like a failure
why ? same old reasons.
I as i said before am jobless. I don't go see my son often enough and i fear he may be growing into a stranger. I swore myself to protect , serve and provide for Pet and i see to have failed at all 3.
I just don't know.
anyway yeah I'm alive. i may blog again soon

Thursday, November 08, 2007

lost friends and regrets

"Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young." ---- from: Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by: Baz Luhrmann

Now playing: Awaken - Dethklok
via FoxyTunes

i don't know why i've been dwelling on this lately. but old friends have been creeping into my brain lately... more specifically one old friend Ginny Gilbert. it has been a long time since i have heard from her. recently i saw an artical with her name in it but i can't recall were now.
i knew her in houston along with Keri & Peter Bas. we were good friend fairly close. when i moved to g'town and she moved to Maryland we still wrote. all through junour high and high school we wrote, talked, joked and shared secrets. we lost touch after she went to collage
shame on you..i'll never tell.
but i woul love to here from her again. she doesn't have a myspace page that i can find her siter courtney probly does or possibly even their youngest sister, i can't remember her name. she in utero when i moved.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Shuichi: Hey Hiro, why don't you ask what happened to me last night?
Hiro: Hey, Shuichi, what happened to you last night?
Shuichi: Something GOOD!
Hiro winces
Shuichi: Now you say, "Come on, don't just say that. What happened?"
Hiro: Come on, don't just say that. What happened?
Shuichi: I won't tell!" ---- from Gravitation

Now playing: Hazy Shade of Winter - Bangles
via FoxyTunes

hehe i am employed again
no more details for now can think straight at the moment because i am happy

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

all of this has happened before and it will all happen again

"To apply logic to an illogical situation is in and of itself illogical"---main tenant of the "Spock Paradox" first postulated by yours truly and the Table
Now playing: Land Of Confusion - Disturbed
via FoxyTunes

well they found it again...
i took the battery out of it so they cant steal it tonight. tomorrow I'm going to get it rekeyed
not sure what else i can say..well maybe there is
i was called by the car theft detective ( Det. Mares) this morning around 7 or 8 am. he told me were it had been towed to and i thanked him for the information then he said something strange...
"Mr. Sayler are you on drugs"
the first thought to hit my sleep addled brain was 'huh?' the second was 'um that's not my name. can't you read?' instead i simply said "No"
"well you know you have had you car stolen twice in two weeks"
"i DO live in a high traffic area"
"yes sir well it's just that you don't seem to be very enthusiastic about finding your car"
" well you did wake me up"
"well you should just be truthful here"
"y'know if i was a little more awake i be offended right now I'm just kinda annoyed"
" well i was on the beat for several years and i know the signs and you should just admit.."
"OK, um yeah i hang up on you now" and i did just that

i mean come on? blame the victim anyone?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

what diety did i offend this time?

"Your theory of gravity doesn't address the question of why there are no unicorns, so it must be wrong." ---from The Joy of Work by: Scott Adams

Now playing: Give In (The Naked Mix)-Peter Gresser

it happened again..some MOTHER FUCKER stole my car
what the hell!?!?!?
every fucking time i get close..just close to being on an even keil of being stable something happens...
it like the gods don't want me to thrive..ok so that's paranoid
or is it
we have/ had a damn good shot at being in control and this shit happens
but at least the cops showed up within 10 minutes this time

Saturday, September 22, 2007


"it's over, there's no more reason to cry no more
I got my baby, maybe the only lady that I adore, Hailie
So sayonara, try tomorra, nice to know ya
My baby's travelled back to the arms of her rightful owner
And suddenly it seems that my shoulder blades have just shifted
It's like the greatest gift you can get
The weight has been lifted"--- Hailie's Song by: Eminem
Now playing: Freak On A Leash (Feat. Amy Lee) - Korn
via FoxyTunes

I am both happy and really pissed.
i got the call early yesterday morning. my car had been towed from a gas station and was impounded.
I called the tow company found out i need to pay $264.95 to get it out. somehow it just doesn't seem fair that i have to pay to retrieve my stolen car. however the "Righteous Indignation" is home so i am happy.
but what pisses me off when i talked to the clerk at the tow place he told me it had been towed the evening of the 19th from the parking lot of a gas station....
now pause a minute here and grok what i just said. the evening of the 19th.
it was reported stolen (called 911) at noon ON THE 19TH. as you can see i cataloged that wondrous experience earlier.
long story short if A.P.D. had given a crap about those of us on this end of of town i would have had my car at least A FULL DAY EARLIER
so the way i see it their apathy over my case led to me having to shell out $60 more than i should have.
thank a bunch boys in blue. don't expect me to vote for your next pay increase.
with (of course) the exception of the aforementioned Officer Gorden (ID# 4610) who deserves a medal or something.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

shut up

"The more a man dreams, the less he believes." ---H.L.Mencken
Now playing: I Will Survive - Cake
via FoxyTunes

someone stole my car this morning. i also lost my job a few weeks ago. and I'm going to be moving soon.
well except for the moving.but most would agree to the others
I'm not sure why I'm taking the car theft harder than the joblessness
maybe it's because it the first car I've ever ACTUALLY and clear
every other car I've had was either owned by someone else i was making payments
i liked this car
it IS a 1989 Chevy S10 Blazer rust bucket with emission issues... but it was MY rust bucket.
i had even given it a name..a habit for most of the things i own with few exceptions.
The "Righteous Indignation"
if you see him bring him home
no i don't have pictures..i wish i did
i did call the police but they STILL have not come to take a report (i called a little after noon and it is now 5:10pm)
no i did not have LOJACK that would have required money, nor does my insurance cover theft.
It is time like these that i am glad that my self preservation instinct prevents me from being suicidal.
Now playing: Give In (5ideways theme) - Peter Gresser
via FoxyTunes

Still no word from the cops and when i called to inquire as to when they might grace me with there magnificent precence so that i may humbly give the info to find my motor vihicle i was told "well we've been realy busy today"
on a M@##% f#@%%$ing wedneday? during the day? i'd bet real monthat if this had happeed up NW side or in Circle c i would be swimming in cops wanting to know what nasty minority group took my car.
as it is.. now 9:42 pm (2142 for you military types) car was reported stolen at 12:30pm this is not acceptable
Now playing: Between Dreams and Nightmares (ID: 69661) - Xerxes-Sangco
via FoxyTunes

whattaya know no less than 5 min after i post I got a knock on the door.
his name was Officer Gorden (ID# 4610) and i must say he is a credit to his brothers in blue. He took down my info (as well as the car's) listened to me bable. got all the weird details about the "Righteous" sutch as the largeish gash in the tail gate. and it propensity to not start again unless you been driving for 10 min.
i do hope to get it back...i don't think i will...but i can hope

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter and the the Consumer-Driven Psycosis

"You are presumably looking at the back of this book, or the end of the end. The end of the end is the best place to begin the end, because if you read the end from the beginning of the beginning of the end to the end of the end of the end, you will arrive at the end of the end of your rope.... so if I were you I would drop this book at once, so the end does not finish you."---from the back cover of A Series of Unfortunate Events : THE END by Lemony Snicket

Yes i read the book. It was a good book, and no I'm not going to tell you anything. If you are a fan you probably have already gotten the book either by pre-ordering it like *I* did, fighting the midnight crowds at Wal-mart(or whatever other retailer you went to), mugging a member of either of the first two groups for their copy, or stealing it via one of the many forms of electronic piracy.
If you aren't a fan then you probably think we're all completely nutso, and are backing away very slowly when you catch sight of us. (which is prolly a good idea on your part..we can get rabid)
in any case why am i writing about it?
Who said i was? personally i like the Statesman's take on it. the first one is my favorite.

and the online comic Sore Thumbs had an interesting take on Potter madness as well.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Klaatu Barata Nikto

"The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep.That's your horoscope for today"---Your horoscope for today by: "Weird Al" Yankovic
So it's Memorial Day once again. and what have we learned?
As we sit on our collective asses and whine about how American Idol is over so there's nothing to watch, people are dieing not just our solders but
others as well.
but why? why cant humanity learn?
because we're stupid.
that's the only explanation, we have not evolved from the apes quite as far as we thought.
but thats just my opinon
so go today hug those you loe and keep in mind that you are here to hug those you love, because someone cared about your right to hug the ones you love. wether or not you agree with the politics of our contry or not is irrelivent. it is the events of the past that form our future.
and who knows maybe some of us harless monkys can learn from our mistakes, or not.

Monday, May 14, 2007

blah blah blah

"Passion... it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us... passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have?... Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief... it hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we could know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... without passion, we'd be truly dead" ---David Boreanaz as Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 episode 17 "Passion"

Sometimes i wonder what happened to those i knew when i was young. i wonder if this latest feeling is because of my latest birthday. perhaps it is something else. in any case as i have stated before i have lost touch with so many people that i wouldn't even know where to begin.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." ---- Constitution of the United States of America, Amendment 1.

Finally someone gets it right.
I read this story from "Wiccan symbol OK for soldiers' graves", and while i am overjoyed that My religion is being Honored in this way that is is not what i mean by "getting it right". down at the very end of the article. the last sentence. quote: Variations of the pentacle not accepted by Wiccans have been used in horror movies as a sign of the devil. (emphasis added) that little "not" means the world to me. it shows that at least one person (and their editor) understands that, to paraphrase Mama Silver, we don't like it when someone turns our religious symbol upside down any more than Christians do.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Fire bad, Tree pretty

You Are Cyclops

Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.
You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.
Power: force beams from your eyes

Oddly the above result was a surprise to me. I've always identified with Nightcrawler. in any case that's not important.
This is. A friend has come back from Iraq. unfortunately he's the only one for now. another friend still has about three months to go unless the extend his stay without telling him till the last minute, Much like they did when he was told he was shipping out. but i digress.
i guess the truth of the matter is i don't don't know what to think. you see the friend in question took loads of pictures in Iraq and put them up on Flicker. this doesn't bother me, quite the opposite. I'm proud of him that he is able to utilize his talents so skillfully.
what bothers me is what other will do with those pictures. y'see, believe it or not a well known talking head has decided that they like his pictures too. this is a person who views on politics and this war differ dramatically. I feel no ill will toward this celebrity and wish them all the freedoms this fine country has and a few that somewould take away by claiming we never had them.
follow the clues and maybe you'll figure out who I'm talking about.
i am not one for calling people out no matter what fools they have made of themselves.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

and now for somthing compleatly diferent


Ok the quote above isn't the nomal thing i do...but it says something about the state of the so-called news media out there. to put it bluntly it's all crap. Murrow is spinning in his grave i'm sure of it.there was a time when one could listen to a news show and never be able to asertain what the brocaster's personal opinion. now adays, it's hard to listen to someone and not know.
and i'm not picking on cnn or MSNBC. i'm including FOXnews in this statement.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

another day older

"Interrogator: I'm instructed to inform you that you have been convicted by special tribunal and that, unless you are prepared to offer your cooperation, you are to be executed. Do you understand what I'm telling you?
Evey Hammond: Yes.
Interrogator: Are you ready to cooperate?
Evey Hammond:" ---V for Vendetta
I sit here and i wonder "what does it all mean?" the world the otherside politics religion the various machinations of the hominids that roam the planets surface.
why? what is the point of it all? there are many days i will sit for hours wondering about that. today is one of those days.
I'm not depressed, not by a long shot, I'm just bored. day in day out is the same thing i wish i could say my life was interesting , but it's not really. that's why i don't write much in this blog i guess.
some would say "at least you've got your health" heh the flutter of my arrhythmic heart begs to differ, as do my arthritic knees
"you have a home" not really. the one place I've ever really felt like home, i cannot go back to. that would be the place of my birth, or rather close to it. Houston, TX. i was raised there till the age of 12 when my family packed up and moved to Georgetown, TX, the place of my fathers birth. it's a small town , getting bigger as the years roll by. but it wasn't home. currently i live in Austin and though the atmosphere is wonderful weird and chaotic (what other city can say they've had a homeless, cross-dresser run for mayor and come in second?)
Acually given the coice i'd move to Pearland just outside of Houston. My Nana lives there and tuthfully her house was more of a home for me than my own.
so what keeps me here? family and a strange since of duty. my son lives here with his mother. and if i were to move back to Houston i wouldn't be able to see he nearly as often as i do now. even now i don't see him as often as I'd like.
there is a profound since of loss there, for both of us i think.
i think I'll go cry now.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

it's me again , Margret

"Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to. How dare you. How dare you come to me now, when I am this."
-Molly Grue from "The Last Unicorn" By:Peter S. Beagle

I've had another birthday, not that anyone cares. nor am i saying they should. I don't, not really. not sure what else to say about it really. perhaps later i'll have more to say.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Merry SamHain

"Kidnap the Sandy Claws,
tie him in a bag,
throw him in the ocean then
see if he is sad."--- Kidnap the Sandy Claws from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas

it's that time of year again . People wandering around in weird costumes, acting all goofy and begging for treats.... yep.. It's election time!
but besides that it's also close to YuleTyde (that's like Christmas or X-mas or Chanukah or whatever else you call it) that means I need to make a list so everyone knows what to give me!

this year I think I'll go with a light hearted theme... So off to Archie Mcphee we go! Woo hoo!
first off lets think of time... I never have enough of it I always want to go back a few hours so hears the perfect solution: Backward Clock or maybe this Pirate Clock so I know what time to keel haul the swabbys!
but maybe all I need is a little love, tenderness, some Sweet Talk or maybe fiery passion .
on second thought I could just get blind, stinking, drunk!
or perhaps I should relieve my stress in more constructive ways. I should stop making excuses for the evil things I do.
I just may Surprise myself and find the treasure within my soul
or not.

now for those of you who haven't been paying attention here is the list order with pictures!
Backward Clock
Pirate Clock
Anatomical Gummy Heart
Love Rats
Sweet Talk Ball
Flames Shower Curtain
Pink Elephant Flask
Family Size Cocktail Shaker
Tiki Time Cocktail Set
Martian Popping Thing®
Excuse Ball
Black Devil duckie®
3 Devil duckies®
Pirate Devil duckie®
Surprise Package
Jumbo Mystery Box

Collectable Windup Tin Ladybug Family
Evil Clown Nesting Dolls

Saturday, September 16, 2006

S.N.A.F.U. & F.U.B.A.R.

"I'm going to just barf all over the server now, and fail. I'm sure one of the Users I heard about in TRON will figure this out and fix it quickly. There's no way my User, Wil, would stay in some backup blog for six months!"---Wil Wheaton from his blog
oh goody! Today at the lab we techs found a loverly surprise. First, Fuji had updated our software during the night with no warning. This of course cased the system to crash since we didn't initialize the update properly when the openers started the processor Et al. So no pics for nobody today...And tech support still hadn't called back when I left at 9pm
but that's not the horrible thing. I also found out that Walmart is phasing out it lay-away service! this has got the to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I swear my store is going to loose at least 60% of its high end electronics business because of this. So what's the bright idea to replace layaway for those customers who cant afford to pay RIGHT NOW? Surely it's not an over priced credit card with unreasonably high interest rates that requires you to have an income that's twice that of your average Walmart customer and an immaculate credit history?
sadly..It is.
personally I think Wal-mart is losing touch with Mr. Sam's vision of what his stores should be.
in his own words "Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community"
I don't think getting rid of lawawy, the only way most of us have to save for an item and guarantee it will still be there when we have the money, is reflecting the values of the community. One of my customers even said "their making the same mistake target and Kmart did...What a shame I liked shopping here."
but don't take this laying down folks..If you got this far ... Maybe you can go just a little further.
Call 1-800-WALMART (1-800-925-6278) and complain about the death of layaway..Tell them how bad an idea it is...Get your friends and relatives to call as well..Maybe they'll listen.
another choice? Email them you never know..It just may work.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


"I wish I were wise enough to say something that would help make sense of this horror, something that would help ease the unimaginable pain of the victims' loved ones, but I'm not that wise. I'm barely capable of thinking. Like many others, I've spent the hours since Tuesday morning staring at the television screen, sometimes crying, sometimes furious, but mostly just stunned." --- Dave Barry from his column dated 9-13-2001 also reprinted in his blog

this is the anniversary of the day that America changed...Well at least for a little wile. I wish I could say that we as a nation learned from the experience, that we saw past our differences as persons and saw ourselves as a people. But here five years later the bickering has begun again.
for a wile..Even a year later we stood united but then, like the disfunctional family we are, we turned on each other. Wild accusations, disturbing questions, touching tributes, and other stuff soon invaded our lives much like those planes invaded our airspace.
so what else can I say that hasn't already been said? Nothing really. I wrote a story , a tribute, featuring my character Wyld and his demonic roommate Ton-kun, exactly one year after 911 (9-11-2002). I recently found a rewrite I did for a short story contest (I didn't even get an honourable mention) replacing the two main characters with an angel and a demon. Here below is that story comments and critiques are welcome:

Izyah's memory of 9-11-2001

My name is Izyah and I am an angel, an archangel to be more specific, one of the warrior class, sent here to this place over 160 of your years ago to defend the pure and innocent from corruption. That in and of it self may seem unbelievable to you, however there is more. As I explored this world I came to realize something that you as natives must have figured out long ago. The line between pure and corrupt, good and evil is not that well defined. This is something that my peers, blindly close-minded as they are, refuse to accept, so as such I am a bit of a pariah among my kind. I am tolerated, barely, but not accepted. In my search to find the truth of this world and it's people I found a kindred spirit, ironically enough, in a demon named Lucent.
Lucent is not what most people, even I, would think of when one says the word 'demon'. Most would even consider him pleasant to look at, even cute. His personality however leaves something to be desired. For the most part he is dark and brooding, like a rebelling teenager, although he is by your calendar a couple thousand years old. It seems he became disillusioned with the seething hatred his race felt toward your kind, and as such is now considered anathema.
So, in what would seem like the underlying theme to a new reality show, we bought an old bar with a loft upstairs. So there you go, the story of why a demon and an angel not only own a bar but live together as well.
There are many stories I could tell, however what happened that fateful day of September 11, 2001, I remember all too vividly.
I was readying the bar for opening and had turned on the TV to watch Judge Judy when suddenly the screen went blank. "A news flash" the TV blared. I looked up and saw the horrible image of the twin towers, buildings I had personally seen built so many years ago. One was on fire with a gaping hole in the side. "A plane" I heard the TV say, had crashed into the side. No one knew whether it was an accident or not. Then I heard it, a sound I could hear even through the cheap speakers of the bar's TV. It was the faint squeal of jet engines. Then it was deafening, and the second plane hit. I roared, my warrior heart raged, my blood boiled, feathers flew wildly about as I spread my wings to their fullest and crushed the glass I was cleaning into fine powder.
Lucent opened the door of the loft upstairs.
"What the hell is your problem Izyah?" the demon screamed in his grumpy, half-asleep tone.
Stunned as I was, I could barely speak. I calmed down slightly and with tears running down my face retracted my wings.
"Th... The towers!" I stammered "in New York... They... They... They"
"SPIT IT OUT!" he snapped, still cranky over being woken up before noon.
I gathered up what little sanity I had left and spoke plainly.
"Someone or something has attacked. They flew commercial airliners into the World Trade Centers." Suddenly my head started to ache, my soul felt cold and my feet wobbled beneath me. I felt myself collapsing.
With a speed I never knew he had, Lucent ran down the stairs and caught me before I hit the floor.
"Are you O.K.?" He said with a tenderness no one but I ever see, and I see it rarely.
"I don't know... I feel weak, disoriented. I can feel the psychic backwash from all over the neighborhood" It was true. Crushing despair, anger, fear, I could feel them, all lumped together. Normally I could screen out such a thing, but this time they were too close to my own feelings.
Lucent looked at the TV screen and the images it was producing.
"Stupid humans" was the last thing I heard him say before I blacked out.
When I awoke I was on my bed with my wings neatly folded around me like a blanket. As I sat up I noticed I had been taken out of the clothes I had been wearing before and was now dressed in my 'Hello Kitty' pajamas. I stumbled into the living room and saw Lucent sitting cross-legged on the floor, in the dark, in front of the big screen TV. He looked at me and his golden eyes seemed to glow as they reflected the light from the TV.
"Go back to bed, Izyah." he stated flatly. "You can't handle this alone"
"But I'm not alone," I smiled. "I have you"
He turned slowly back to the TV.
"No, you don't. You can't rely on me. This was an evil act and as a demon I don't know what I can say to console you."
I looked at him thoughtfully.
"Lucent, you said 'stupid humans' before. What makes you think only humans where involved?"
Lucent frowned further and started to float off the floor.
"A demon," he stated matter-of-factly, "wouldn't have been so cowardly as to hide behind an aircraft"
Again I smiled at him.
"That is consolation enough for me at the moment." I looked at his blank emotionless face and said, "Perhaps it is not I who needs to rely on you, but the other way around?"
"Shut up and sit down, asshole," he grumbled underneath his breath.
And so we spent the rest of the day and into the night. Other than a snide comment that if I insisted on fainting again I should lose weight, we hardly said two words to one another. I finally dozed off on the couch and when I awoke Lucent was gone. I went to his bedroom door and heard faint weeping from the other side. I did not knock.
Instead I went downstairs and cleaned up the broken glass and prepared the bar for its first day in a brand new world.

Copyright 2002 Sheridan Salyer

Monday, August 07, 2006

When life gives you lemons...

"Even with years of historical research, the more humans try to define themselves, the more they drown in their own confusion."---Kyle from Kyle XY, "Pilot"

I recently found out a dear friend is going to be shipped out to Iraq soon...I don't know a date yet and my friend was very quiet about it.
no I'm not going to say who it is, mainly because it's not important..I have many friends in or connected to the armed forces in one way or the other. No this is not going to turn into a rant on how we shouldn't be in Iraq..Nor am I going to argue the other side of the issue either. As I said its not important. There have been many words wasted on those subjects.
what is important is our boys and girls are over there and they need our support. What ever you views are as to why they are over there the fact is they are over there serving our country the best way they know how.
there is no draft everyone of them volunteered to serve. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
despite the many comparisons this is not like Vietnam. My father served in 'Nam. He was lucky enough to have a chance to enlist in the Air force before he was drafted. Those of you that served or know those who did might say "big deal he skated through it he didn't really see action" to those of you I say "eat shit and die" My father served, just because he wasn't tromping through the rice patties with the grunts doesn't mean he was in any less danger.
what my point is I guess is that when the troops in Vietnam came home they were met with scorn and shame. Many of them had no choice but to go... And American turned it's back on them.
lets not do the same this time... Just be glad that their back home.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Guess who's back...back again...

Axolotl: What can I gt for the gntlmn and th lady?
Alex: Just so you know? She has a penis.
Axolotl: That's okay. I have 3.
---from 5ideways by K. Sandra Fuhr

Yup Its me again..My compy been broken for the past month or so.
some news..I got a new job. I now work in the photo lab of a large multinational big box store that starts with a "W"
. Other than that...hmm I moved again. I like this place there are less crackheads around.
I honestly cant think of anything more to type..Perhaps tomorrow until then
tootle loo

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another day older...

Happy Birthday to you,
You live in a zoo.
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too. ---Childhood birthday chant

It's my birthday. Big woop. I am unemployed again. And I the one thing I really wanted to do this year I cant.
my disappointment in myself is great. Tika wanted us to move and now it looks like that's not going to happen.
I blame myself I should have just taken it like a good slave but my pride got the better of me.
I wish I could have a happy birthday..Just once in my life

Friday, February 17, 2006

For sale one disgruntled employee

Common sense is the deposit of prejudice laid down in the mind before the age of eighteen. -Albert Einstein

Albertson's sucks! Or at least the store I work at does. I mean I have been in retail for over 10 years and I have near been treated this shabbily. I got called into the store director's office the other day and was all but called a thief. To top it off he insulted me when he said to me and I quote "well I've never seen you shop here"
I used to spend over $100 at that store a week. Notice I said used to..Not anymore.
I wish I could blame this on the recent sale.. But I cant. To add insult to injury my already pitiful hours have been cut again.