Saturday, September 16, 2006

S.N.A.F.U. & F.U.B.A.R.

"I'm going to just barf all over the server now, and fail. I'm sure one of the Users I heard about in TRON will figure this out and fix it quickly. There's no way my User, Wil, would stay in some backup blog for six months!"---Wil Wheaton from his blog
oh goody! Today at the lab we techs found a loverly surprise. First, Fuji had updated our software during the night with no warning. This of course cased the system to crash since we didn't initialize the update properly when the openers started the processor Et al. So no pics for nobody today...And tech support still hadn't called back when I left at 9pm
but that's not the horrible thing. I also found out that Walmart is phasing out it lay-away service! this has got the to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I swear my store is going to loose at least 60% of its high end electronics business because of this. So what's the bright idea to replace layaway for those customers who cant afford to pay RIGHT NOW? Surely it's not an over priced credit card with unreasonably high interest rates that requires you to have an income that's twice that of your average Walmart customer and an immaculate credit history?
sadly..It is.
personally I think Wal-mart is losing touch with Mr. Sam's vision of what his stores should be.
in his own words "Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community"
I don't think getting rid of lawawy, the only way most of us have to save for an item and guarantee it will still be there when we have the money, is reflecting the values of the community. One of my customers even said "their making the same mistake target and Kmart did...What a shame I liked shopping here."
but don't take this laying down folks..If you got this far ... Maybe you can go just a little further.
Call 1-800-WALMART (1-800-925-6278) and complain about the death of layaway..Tell them how bad an idea it is...Get your friends and relatives to call as well..Maybe they'll listen.
another choice? Email them you never know..It just may work.


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