Monday, August 07, 2006

When life gives you lemons...

"Even with years of historical research, the more humans try to define themselves, the more they drown in their own confusion."---Kyle from Kyle XY, "Pilot"

I recently found out a dear friend is going to be shipped out to Iraq soon...I don't know a date yet and my friend was very quiet about it.
no I'm not going to say who it is, mainly because it's not important..I have many friends in or connected to the armed forces in one way or the other. No this is not going to turn into a rant on how we shouldn't be in Iraq..Nor am I going to argue the other side of the issue either. As I said its not important. There have been many words wasted on those subjects.
what is important is our boys and girls are over there and they need our support. What ever you views are as to why they are over there the fact is they are over there serving our country the best way they know how.
there is no draft everyone of them volunteered to serve. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
despite the many comparisons this is not like Vietnam. My father served in 'Nam. He was lucky enough to have a chance to enlist in the Air force before he was drafted. Those of you that served or know those who did might say "big deal he skated through it he didn't really see action" to those of you I say "eat shit and die" My father served, just because he wasn't tromping through the rice patties with the grunts doesn't mean he was in any less danger.
what my point is I guess is that when the troops in Vietnam came home they were met with scorn and shame. Many of them had no choice but to go... And American turned it's back on them.
lets not do the same this time... Just be glad that their back home.


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