Wednesday, October 03, 2007

all of this has happened before and it will all happen again

"To apply logic to an illogical situation is in and of itself illogical"---main tenant of the "Spock Paradox" first postulated by yours truly and the Table
Now playing: Land Of Confusion - Disturbed
via FoxyTunes

well they found it again...
i took the battery out of it so they cant steal it tonight. tomorrow I'm going to get it rekeyed
not sure what else i can say..well maybe there is
i was called by the car theft detective ( Det. Mares) this morning around 7 or 8 am. he told me were it had been towed to and i thanked him for the information then he said something strange...
"Mr. Sayler are you on drugs"
the first thought to hit my sleep addled brain was 'huh?' the second was 'um that's not my name. can't you read?' instead i simply said "No"
"well you know you have had you car stolen twice in two weeks"
"i DO live in a high traffic area"
"yes sir well it's just that you don't seem to be very enthusiastic about finding your car"
" well you did wake me up"
"well you should just be truthful here"
"y'know if i was a little more awake i be offended right now I'm just kinda annoyed"
" well i was on the beat for several years and i know the signs and you should just admit.."
"OK, um yeah i hang up on you now" and i did just that

i mean come on? blame the victim anyone?


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