Reliving my youth... And feeling old
"The War was over...The only survivors were street animals: dogs, cats and rats. From them, a new race of mutants evolved. That was a long time ago."---Rock and Rule

that's right..Until I rented it I had only seen it once...And yet it has effected me..Haunted me ... All these years.
the movie was originally released in the U.S. in '83 and has been out of print since it release on home video in '85 . Recently Unearthed films acquired the rights and now has it on DVD...SQUEEEE!!
this is what I have been watching.
There are actually two versions of it..One with slightly different dialogue a few voice actor changes and some different scenes was released in Canada.
No, I don't no why..So don't ask.
Well I am tired for now...Go buy the movie..Maybe it will encourage them to find more obscure movies hmm?
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