Sunday, July 10, 2005

The name game

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." -Benjamin Franklin
I was thinking about what people call them selves. More accurately what names we choose for ourselves. this led to me thinking of my own name. I used to go by Dann, simply because Sheridan is, as J-chan so lovingly put it, "fruity". YAY!
BOO!!The fact that I happen to share it with a Yankee general non-withstanding, I decided a few years ago to reembrace my birth name. I'm not really sure why just that for some reason it seems...Right.
No the fact that a character on Babylon 5 also shares my name had nothing to do with it.
I happen to share it with a few actors (and support staff as well) including an "adult film" star .
but i digress. the point is, i guess, that no matter what others may think or what ever history has to say about my name, it is my name. I have chosen to accept it.


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