Sunday, July 24, 2005


Willie: Aren't you the boy that mows my lawn?
Bobby: No, sir. I'm the boy that hit you in the head.
Willie: You hit me in the head with a lawnmower?
Bobby: No, a golf club.
Willie: You've been mowing my lawn with a golf club?!?! I want my quarter back.
---King of the Hill, "Hank's Got the Willies" season 1, episode 4

Have you ever been tired? Not sleepy or fatigued...Just tired.
Like everything, even breathing is just too much effort and all you want to do is sleep.
But you cant sleep because your rested. i am having a day like this. And am not sure why.
Maybe I'm stressed out about the car? Or money? i don't know...i really don't know
why is it that money drives the world? There is so much i could accomplish if money was not required to achieve these goals.
If money is the root of all evil what does that say about a society that covets it?


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