Monday, July 25, 2005

Cheater cheater , punkin eater

Bra'tac: Teal'c tells me your world is without gods. Difficult to imagine.
Jack: Well it's not without gods. A lot of people believe there's a God. Not everyone believes in the same God, the same way but...Let's just say nobody believes in anyone with glowing eyes and a snake in his head.
Bra'tac: Then you serve no one?
Jack: I serve the SGC under a General Hammond.
Bra'tac: So this Hammond is...?
Jack: Just a man. A very good...Very bald man. From Texas.
---Stargate SG-1, "Bloodlines ", season 1, episode 13

Personally I think posting the results of online quizzes and trying to pass them off as a legitimate blog entry is cheating and a little tacky. That being said...Here is the result f an online quiz I took on Blogthings. I got the link from Night's blog, so blame her...^_^.

You Were Actually Born Under:
You have both a fiery energy and a warm heart.
Your charisma and charm makes it easy for you to influence others.
Lucky in life, you also have a reputation of being lucky in love.
Power hungry, you are determined to get what you want - no matter what it takes.

You are most compatible with a Monkey or Rat.
You Should Have Been Born Under:

You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam.
You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing.
Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long.
Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word.

You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Willie: Aren't you the boy that mows my lawn?
Bobby: No, sir. I'm the boy that hit you in the head.
Willie: You hit me in the head with a lawnmower?
Bobby: No, a golf club.
Willie: You've been mowing my lawn with a golf club?!?! I want my quarter back.
---King of the Hill, "Hank's Got the Willies" season 1, episode 4

Have you ever been tired? Not sleepy or fatigued...Just tired.
Like everything, even breathing is just too much effort and all you want to do is sleep.
But you cant sleep because your rested. i am having a day like this. And am not sure why.
Maybe I'm stressed out about the car? Or money? i don't know...i really don't know
why is it that money drives the world? There is so much i could accomplish if money was not required to achieve these goals.
If money is the root of all evil what does that say about a society that covets it?

Friday, July 22, 2005

Fun with the random poem generator

"It seems very pretty," she said when she had finished it, "but it is rather hard to understand!" (you see she didn't like to confess, even to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all) "Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas - only I don't what they are! However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate"
---Alice in "Through the Looking Glass" about the poem "Jabberwocky"

I found this on Keri's blog
It kinda cool and a complete waste of time..I love it.
It's Rob's Amazing Poem Generator !
This is what it did when i type in the URL for Wyldtymes:

Wyld done by Sheridan Salyer
Location:Austin, before my pitiful thing.
True..problems...But hey...
This time I have had floating around
Love Lorn I remember her
then was visiting for the end it would cause a link
{ on 34 Cilley Hill Road
This but not.want our son
I was talking about. it seemed like me!
to be entertained..
in my 13th i saved you,
may 25, 2005 A little lax.
But basically, how close some interesting news
along the City of the car has plenty of year
She ended up until she is, around.

Crazy, man.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Cars..And how much they suck REDUX

Lex: Clark, you can't save the world. All you'll end up with is a Messiah complex and a lot of enemies.
Clark: I saved you, didn't I? That turned out all right
---Smallville, "Kinetic" season 1, episode 13

it did it again..But this time there are some theories as to it's true problems...But then again maybe not. i don't know. We'll see. C.J. has got some of her mechanic connections looking at it. it's cool to have people to call on for stuff like that i guess. i would like one of my own at some point, instead of relying on C.J. all the time. Sigh.
I'm not sure what else to say today...Maybe later .

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Ari: Caitlin, did you miss me? How is Gerald?
Kate: Still in rehab. Asks everyday if you're dead.
---N.C.I.S., "Reveille" season 1, episode 23

I was rather...Disturbed by Charmed season finale. If you are a fan..Then you know what I'm talking about. Those who aren't fans..Trust me..It had all of us going "WTF!?!?!?!"
the way it ended it seemed like a series finale rather than just a season finale. i would have been ok with this (pissed about the end of the show, sure, but ok) but there was NO WARNING. And i don't know how many TV series i wave watched that were canceled without warning.
the main reason i didn't write about it then was that, to be perfectly honest, I'm lazy.
today i found out that it is indeed going to be picked up for another season which lead to one thought...Oh shit. This is either going to be horrible or really good.
well we'll see.
and don't get me started on NCIS's season finale...It just pissed me off so much....


"Unbelievable. 'Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead!' Americans." ---Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Dead Man’s Party" season 3, Episode 2

I was thinking, a dangerous pasttime, I know. Perhaps I should start another blog for one of my stories?
I seems to have a blog feel about it anyway...Will have to sleep on it ponder if it is truly a good idea..Perhaps I should post a snippet (or perhaps even all of what I have) on Evolution see what sort of reaction I get.
we'll see I guess..Sigh... Tired now
fire bad, tree pretty.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The name game

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." -Benjamin Franklin
I was thinking about what people call them selves. More accurately what names we choose for ourselves. this led to me thinking of my own name. I used to go by Dann, simply because Sheridan is, as J-chan so lovingly put it, "fruity". YAY!
BOO!!The fact that I happen to share it with a Yankee general non-withstanding, I decided a few years ago to reembrace my birth name. I'm not really sure why just that for some reason it seems...Right.
No the fact that a character on Babylon 5 also shares my name had nothing to do with it.
I happen to share it with a few actors (and support staff as well) including an "adult film" star .
but i digress. the point is, i guess, that no matter what others may think or what ever history has to say about my name, it is my name. I have chosen to accept it.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Long time no post

Ok so I've been a little lax. But then no one ever responds either. So kiss my foot.
any hoo... Well the car has been fixed..Sort of. I will be celebrating the forth of July with my son as well as my parents.
in what has become an odd annual habit I just finished reading 1984 again....Goddess is it frightening how close some of it is.
for those who haven't read it...Do. It is important.
one of the things that is scary is the ministry of information, where the man who is the main focus of the book (to call him a protagonist would be woefully inaccurate I think) works.
his job is to fix "errors" in the news and history texts. To go into the specifics would take to long, but basically, he gets a clipping of the "error" with explanations how it is wrong. He then makes the corrections submits it to the higher ups, then sends the original to be destroyed.
all previous printing are gathered and replaced.
sounds a bit how easy it is to change things on the internet...Update the page and poof no evidence it was ever any different.
another scary thing is the recent United States Supreme Court ruling regarding property rights.
basically how it stand now, the government can take your house from you and give it to someone else simply because your property doesn't generate the tax revenue they'd like it to. Sadly I wish I where kidding about this but I'm not.
though there is some interesting news along the lines of "just deserts".
it seems a company has decided to show Justice David Souter (he was one of the supporting votes) what it feels like.
Four days after the ruling the CEO of a pro-liberty organization decided he wanted to build a hotel.
this is from their press release:
Justice Souter's vote in the "Kelo vs. City of New London" decision allows city governments to take land from one private owner and give it to another if the government will generate greater tax revenue or other economic benefits when the land is developed by the new owner.
On Monday June 27, Logan Darrow Clements, faxed a request to Chip Meany the code enforcement officer of the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire seeking to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road. This is the present location of Mr. Souter's home.
Clements, CEO of Freestar Media, LLC, points out that the City of Weare will certainly gain greater tax revenue and economic benefits with a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road than allowing Mr. Souter to own the land.
The proposed development, called "The Lost Liberty Hotel" will feature the "Just Desserts Café" and include a museum, open to the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America...
..."This is not a prank" said Clements, "The Towne of Weare has five people on the Board of Selectmen. If three of them vote to use the power of eminent domain to take this land from Mr. Souter we can begin our hotel development."
Clements' plan is to raise investment capital from wealthy pro-liberty investors and draw up architectural plans. These plans would then be used to raise investment capital for the project. Clements hopes that regular customers of the hotel might include supporters of the Institute For Justice and participants in the Free State Project among others.

oh well