Saturday, April 23, 2005

The portrait....

This is a very wonderful portrait done by the very talented Tonic Reale. I have not heard hide nor hair from him in a couple of years. It honestly worries me a bit. I met him Many Many years ago in a Yahoo group.
It is there I also meet a couple of life long friends Otooto-J (now calling himself Jayel Aheram, his blog is here: ) and Night (her yahoo profile is here: At the time a was using the name Wyldmandann_1 and called myself "the dragonwolf." and so..Such was my character. A half dragon half werewolf freak.
The story behind the picture is that Tonic was drawing portraits of various members online personas and ask if he could do mine. I told him sure, I thought it would be cool to see Wyld done by another artist as my own drawing style was, is rather primitive at best.
well as it turns out the portrait looks absolutely nothing like my character, but looks EXACTLY like me! What makes it even more spooky is that at the time I didn't have a picture of my self on my profile... Or anywhere for that matter.
my mothers response was typical "He got the stringy hair down pat"
and so to my friend a say, Tonic where ever you are send me a message.
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