Monday, January 16, 2006

religon and death

The dark figure beckoned, beckoned in the rain, beckoned for him to come and walk, to come and play the game. And it was time to get started. There was still so far to walk.
Eyes blind, supplicating hands held out before him as if for alms, Garraty walked tword the dark figure.
And when the hand touched his shoulder again, he somehow found the strength to run.---from "The Long Walk" by Stephen King (writing as Richard Bachman)
i have thought long about this, but not so hard. i am a fairly private person and tend to not discuss my own strange veiws on religion, sex or politics in arenas that could come back to haunt me.
today i shall let go a little bit.
i tend to describe myself as a taoist wiccan but its not really that simple
my own veiws are fueled partially from my Christain upbrining and few bits from various religions here and ther into a strange melting pot.
i beleive there is a Source, neither good nor evil male nor female. an energy matrix so omniciant that it has looped back to nonsentiance. that is not so mutch an oximoron as you think.
think of our place compare to the one celled critters.
there are others below Source...the best term for them would be gods.
whatever the gods veiw's and purpose i don't know.
i beive in balence...without it we will spiral into caos.
more on this later..i am tired now